Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Journal--- Week 10

This week we mainly focused on blogging and adding the final touches to our sequence and writing our final evaluations for the piece before we start our exam preperation. This will be my las Journal post as it is the final week that we are wroking on our sequences, howevr i'm still going to post the title sequence my thoughts on it and my evaluation.

Location 5

This is another location that we considered it is james' house once again permission wasn't granted so we used my garden

Location 4

This is the 4th location we considered it is James nans house, but we had the same problem getting permission so we didn't use it

Location 3

This is the 3rd location that we considered it is Harj's house it was better than my house in many senses of the garden being bigger and cleaner however we couldn't use it as we couldn't get permission from his parents.

Location 2

This is the second locatio that we considered, it's oxleas woods. but we would have had to have taken all our props there got permission from the council and the local houseowners and there was the danger of the fire burning the whole woods down.

Location 1

Thsi is the first location that we considered, it was the eventual location that we used. it is my Garden. the reason that we used my garden is that we got permission and our other locations were worried about giving us permission, and because we could get good shots of the sky from different angles and people commented on how much they liked that first shot.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Group Evaluation

In this post i will talk about my group members and what they contributed to the group.

Aaron (Me)

At the start i was supposed to be directing the sequence and i did for the first shoot, however we decided to reshoot the whole thing and James Mills couldn't make the second shoot so i acted in it, and me and Harj co-directed. for the 3rd and final shot James did direct, so we all had a go at directing.  I believe that i was helpful to the group i had a go at everything and i tried to help anyway i could. Also i designed the promotional poster that we created. the only thing that i did wrong was that on the day we showed our first draft to the class i was not in, so Harj and James had to present it.


Harj was the cameraman as well as the editor, we all had a go at editing but in the main it was Harj who did the editing. Harj started out at a disadvantage to the rest of our group as he had never done media before, however he picked it up very easily and was quite easy to work with. he didn't do any work in front of the camera but he did a lot of work behind it. the only thing that Harj did wrong was that we had to reschedule a shoot around him because he went to Birmingham


James had a go at everything he would have preferred to be in front of the camera, however because he missed a shoot that was not really an option, he directed and was very commanding he told us baht he wanted, and i think that this helped with the shots we got and eventually the overall title sequence. the one thing that James did wrong was that he missed a shoot.    

journal-- Week 9

This week we finished our title sequence, we finished editing it and tidying it up. we are happy with it we made the changes suggested to us and just cleaned up the cuts. we all decided that we were finished editing and we had got to a point where if we added anything else to it that it would not really add anything to the title sequence and would be a waste of time.

What could be improved

As we have nearly finished our title sequence, i'm going to talk about what i would change if i had the chance to do it again. firstly i really like our title sequence but it was a lot harder to film than i, and all my group imagined. so i would probably choose something easier to film. but regarding the footage that we do have i would have paid more attention to the lighting as we originally planned to film at night but it was too dark to see, but thinking about we could have used a torch to create light even at night. also i would have started filming earlier as we had 3 separate shoots and by the end it became a bit of a rush especially with the editing.

journal-- Week 8

This week we made the changes to the title sequence that had been suggested via the feedback sheets, we tidied up the cuts between shots matched up the titles with the paper, and changed the actors that people thought were strange casting we matched the song up, all in all we have just started to tidy it up we are not yet finished but will be by the time i do my next journal post.  


Of the 12 feedback sheets that were filled out for us the majority gave us 2 out of 3 stars, (it has potential). 9 of the 12 groups thought our work had potential. whilst the other 3 gave it only one star, (in need of serious work). No one gave us 3 stars, however we didn't really expect any 3 stars as we knew that we still had some work to do and because it was the only the first draft that we were showing.

A lot of people liked the camera angles that we used and the opening shot, a lot of people also liked the typography that we used and liked the idea of the paper and the titles however they feel that it could have been executed better. they also liked the the opening titles created an enigma- who was the character? what is he doing? and why?

The things that people feel that we need to work on our. smoother transitions between the shots, something we were aware that we needed to work on anyway. some people dislike the typography, that we have changed. some people also disliked the fact that we only used one location but we were also going to so that was not a problem for us. people are also saying that the casting was strange but that can be changed if we decide to by just changing the names shown in the sequence

Journal-- Week 7

This week we finished editing our first draft of our title sequence and showed it to the class and shaun. They filled out feedback sheets that gave the their opinions on the sequence, i will post the feedback in a later post,  but mostly the feedback was positive although their is a few changes that we have to make. we have to take Clint Eastwood out of our film, but we will replace him with Alan Rickman. We are all reasonably happy with the sequence and after the changes are made we will be happy with what we have  

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Journal-- Week 6

This week we continued to edit are title sequence and i think that it is looking good. we are having trouble adding the song to the sequence as it says that we need to update our version of garage band, but apart for that the editing is coming along ok. this week we also filmed that we thought that we were missing.  On the re-shoot it snowed however it was not visible to the people that we showed to the people it was unnoticeable.  This will be our last re-shoot as we are happy with the things we have.

My Contribution To The Group

The things that i have contributed to the is that io acted in the title sequence, i was not supposed to originally be doing this but we deciedesd that we and james would swap roles and he would direct, also i helped to edit the title sequence however admitidly Harj did the majority of the editing. i also did alot of the research i found the production company that we would use and created our HARJ productions logo. and also the Damien poster was created by me.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Journal-- Week 5

This week we re-filmed our titler sequence as i previously mentioned the fotage was to dark. to avoid this problem again we filmed at a different time of the day. whereas before we filmed after school at sunset we decided to film at sunrise as their was a higher amount of natural light making the footage much clearer and more visible than it was before. However when we began to edit we realised that we needed to add in some more shots we have started to edit what we have and are working out what shots we need before going to the reshoot. and we have also discovered that the voiceover does not fit as we had hoped so we qwill not be using it .