My group for media coursework:
Aaron Vander
James Mills
Ryan Emin
Harjinder Chana
Our tile sequence idea for our coursework is a horror film, to which we have not decided the name yet but the plot will be that a normal child is one day caught up in a house fire and is left significantly disfigured because of the burns he has suffered. upon returming to school he is continously bullied by other students, and eventually he runs away and hides himself from normal people. over a number of years the anger grows inside him, to the pint where he hunts down those that bullied him, and to get revenge burns therer face, so in his eyes they are equal to him, and then he kills them and keeps there heads as a shrine.
The title sequnece will be focused around fire, fire wikll be in every shot of the sequnce and the main characters face will be hidden under a hood right up until the end of the title sequence. the typography that i would like to use is that of a smoky type of writing so as the fire burns in the title sequnce the names of actors,directors etc. appears written out of smoke again adding tho the thme of fire.
Over the top of this we are not sure whether to have a voiceover of the main charcter speaking about his expieriences and 'the fire inside him'. or whether to have music that fits in with the film genre, the music would have rock music or a similar genre to that as that is normally the tye of music assciated with thsi film genre. A song i believe would be a good choice is Been To Hell by Hollywood Undead.
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